How to install Jackett and connect with Sonarr on Unraid using Docker

My previous post set you up with installing Sonarr on Unraid but that was as far as we got. In this post I want to show you how to set up Jackett and connect to Sonarr so you can connect to torrent trackers that are not oficially suported by Sonarr. This also works for Radarr and has an extremely similar set. First thing first, lets install the Jackett Docker container. As always I will be using Linuxserver....

August 22, 2020 · 2 min · 424 words · Josh Rickers

Configuring Sonarr and Jackett

In one of my previous blog posts I explained how to install Sonarr, Jackett and RuTorrent using Docker. This is a follow on post from that with some information on how to configure both Sonarr and Jackett. I thought this would need a little explaining as I left out some details from the previous post as I thought it is pretty self explanatory but you can never be too helpful. I know it would have helped me a lot if there was a nice blog post or two explaining a few details when i was looking into setting everything up....

June 14, 2018 · 3 min · 438 words · Josh Rickers

Automate Movie downloads with Radarr and RuTorrent

Another step on my home automation journey is finding a way to automate movie downloads and streaming. Since I already have Docker, RuTorrent and Jackett installed I can use a fork of Sonarr called Radarr. RuTorrent and Jackett If you have come from my previous blog post then you will already have everything installed and ready to go. Jump to the Radarr section below. If not take please take a look and you should find everything you need to get everything up and running - /automate-tv-shows-with-sonarr/...

June 6, 2018 · 2 min · 232 words · Josh Rickers

Automate TV Shows with Sonarr, RuTorrent and Jackett

Automating things in my life is something that I have been trying to do for some time now. Quick and easy automation is what I look for, especially for media. Who doesn’t like having the latest episodes at hand to just stream whenever you want? I know I do and Sonarr provides just that. We are going to take a quick look at setting up Sonarr, RuTorrent and Jackett with our friend Docker....

June 2, 2018 · 3 min · 624 words · Josh Rickers